Chiropodist & Podiatrist
My Foot Doctor
01698 267389 / 07985 687 770
My Foot Doctor (Chiropodist & Podiatrist) in Motherwell offers clinic visits, emergency appointments, home Chiropody Visits, Residential Nursing Home Visits, Hospital Visits and Diabetic Footcare!
Our Podiatrist will attend with the necessary PPE to keep you and your family safe!
Home Chiropody Visits, Same Day Emergency Chiropody appointments,
Care & Residential Home Visits, Hospital Visits!
At My Foot Doc​tor our "Chiropodist and Podiatrist" has over 15 years experience and treats all types of foot problems and foot pain, we also offer home visit chiropodi​st appoint​ments where our chiropodist will treat a variety of foot conditions within the comfort of your own home! corn treatment, hard skin treatment, ​ingrown toenails, fungal nails, cracked heels, verruca treatment, sore feet, sweaty feet, athletes foot plus a whole lot more can all be treated in the comfort of your own home.
At My Foot Doctor our chiropodist and podiatrist also offers a wide variety of innovative advanced podiatry treatments, such as plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, heel pain, Gout, arthritis, knee pain, ankle pain, Morton's neuroma, medical pedicure, male pedicure, children's foot problems, wilde pedique - toenail replacement treatments for damaged toenails, ingrown toenail surgery, steroid injections, ostenil injections, prolotherapy, low level laser therapy plus a whole lot more book a consultation online today.
* NEW* Five Minute Fungal Nail Diagnosis

New Fungal Nail Diagnosis in the comfort of your own home, suitable for both fungal fingernails and fungal toenails
contact our podiatrist, click here for further information. Our podiatrist can also offer treatment after diagnosis.
Call 01698 267389 or Text: 07985 687 770 to book appointment.